Little help troubleshooting: GGG 808 and SHO clone in one box

Started by dap9, October 15, 2009, 10:26:17 PM

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I built a 2 in 1 pedal using the GGG PCB and a from scratch SHO clone.  Worked fine for a while.  I made it for a friend and he emailed me last week to tell me that he liked the pedal better than his recently acquired King of Tone v1.  The next day, it was dead  ??? ???

I put the multimeter at the DC jack, and nuttin'.  Figured, I just needed to swap in a new jack.  Still nothing.  I get bypassed signal, but when either effect is engaged, the only sound I get is ticking.

Upon looking at the mess inside, I've decided  to completely rewire the pedal b/c it was my first attempt at this build (I did a few mods, added a Flipper switch to change the order of the cirucuits) and during the trial and error, things got messy.  So I'm sure once I do that the problem will be solved, but I was just wondering what you all make of my problem.

I thought that if nothing else, I should get a reading of full voltage at the DC jack, no?

FWIW, the friend is now borrowing my BYOC OD2 - he brought over the KoT and we A/B'd them, and wouldn't you know the OD2 was able to cop a lot of the toanz of the KoT.  After that little shootout, I don't know why anyone would spend all that money on the KoT - the OD2 was that comparable; and had some of its own toanz as well!


Could someone have connected it with a reversed-polarity power supply?  Is there a protection diode in there you can check to see if it blew due to that?

Otherwise, if no voltage at the DC jack, check that you actually have power there (good power supply or battery if you mean battery clip)....if so, something is probably shorted (with 99% certainty).  Watch that messy wiring, LOL.  We all do it at times....

MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


I disconnected the 808 PCB and the SHO clone works, so the problem must have been in the 808.  I took out the diode from the 808, but broke it in the process - I couldn't tell if it had burned out or not.  Is that something easy to see?  I'm gonna see my friend today and I'll ask him if he maybe used the wrong power supply accidentally.