Krank Distortus Maximus with Fender Tonestck

Started by ianmgull, October 03, 2009, 09:52:20 PM

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So I was getting ready to put together a Distortus Maximus for the first time but wanted a little more out of the tonestack. I'm big on the Fender tonestack so I used the Duncan Tonestack Calculator to put together a slightly modified Fender Tonestack. The Duncan Tonestack Calculator assumes certain input and output impeidances, and the Fender setting is differnt from the Marshall setting (what the DM appears to be based off of). My question is:

Will I run into any issues because of this? Will i experience significant volume drop because of mismatched impedances?

Also, I added a 100 ohm resister in series with the 9v power rail for filtering (because I've seen it done pretty often) this won't cause any problems will it? Below is the schematic.




Also, here is a PCB layout I put together. Let me know if anyone finds any errors, otherwise I'll post the transfer for those interested.


Nobody? Well I'm going for it! Here's the transfer if anyone else wants to give it a shot:


  386 can drive a speaker, I'm sure it can drive a TS, and.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


It should drive the tonestack fine,you will lose volume cause of the loss of the tonestack,but using the 386 as a pedal this can be a good thing.
the 100R resistor is a good idea and wont hurt anything.
I would really breadboard this before etching a PCB for it.
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band


Very interesting ideea Ian!

Any chance to post some sounclips?


Thanks, I'll try to post some shortly. This layout is now VERIFIED. I'm not entirely happy with the tone controls though (I'm not getting much low end out of this at all). I'm going to toy around with the Duncan Calculator some more and see what I come up with.


cool, I don't remember seeing a schematic drawn with my diylc2. Too bad I never got a chance to finish it... :(
The new version of DIY Layout Creator is out, check it out here


Thanks for the advice everyone. It's come together great but I have a question. The high end is like ice picks in the ears into my Super Reverb with the bright switch on... I want to have a switch for a high end roll off starting around around 3-4khz. Is this as simple as a cap to ground on the output? Does bigger cap value equal lower cutoff frequency?



Try a 50K pot inseries with your signal followed with a .0033uf cap to ground the pot will adjust how much high end you roll off.
or you can make it a fixed value.
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band


Hey Brymus, I actually just threw a .0022uf cap to ground at the end of the circtuit and got exactly what I want. Highly recommended if anyone else loves their Fender's bright switch for clean tones.


Quote from: bancika on October 05, 2009, 02:37:57 PM
cool, I don't remember seeing a schematic drawn with my diylc2. Too bad I never got a chance to finish it... :(

It's not finished? Everything worked great for me. (thanks btw)


I had some more ideas to implement but never got time...
The new version of DIY Layout Creator is out, check it out here



Sorry gigimarga, I meant to post clips. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and now Pro tools doesn't work!?! I've got two projects on hold at the moment...


Oh, and the layout as posted had WAY too much extreme high end. I put a cap to ground at the output, I believe it was .0022uf.