GGG mobius Trip Looper ?

Started by vacuumdust, September 06, 2005, 10:25:54 PM

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I'm interested in building one of these.  I'd like to hear from anyone who's built it...does it suck tone when bypassed since it's not true bypass?  Is this pedal an analog looper in the sense that there is no analog to digital conversion?  Last question...does the ISD1020A available from Small Bear work in this circuit?  I've read the previous threads on this project...seems like an easy enough build.  I just wish I could hear a sample...I'd like to know if it sounds as cool as the pedal that inspired it...minus the vibrato...if I had an extra $350 I wouldn't be curious:)  THANKS

idiot savant

the mobius trip is a wonderful project, and is not that difficult if you dont let that big ol 28 pin chip intimidate you. there are a few fixes for it if you look in the search function.

I have also owned a lofi loop junky(which i sold after i made the mobius), and i would describe the mobius as more hifi than the lofi. the vibrato on the lofi was more annoying than anything else  for me personally, it never gets "deep" and is more of a shimmer type of effect. the mobius doesn't lose as much clarity, but they both have a very soft hiss to them, which is part of their charecter. neither is true bypass, and the lofi has a buffer on the front end so your "clean" signal is quite nice, and contrasts the recorded loop well. the mobius has controls for rec volume, play volume, and dry volume, which is nice to be able to control your dry signal. i don't have a buffer in front of mine now, and i don't mind at all, though some would. adding a buffer is super easy, 2 caps 2 resistors, and a transistor. Dean Hazelwater(i hope i spelled that right) laid out all the switching as 3 pin connectors, which are so simple to use, it seems to confuse people.
here is a simple easy to wire bypass arrangement i made for my mobius trip. it basically emulates the functionality of the lofi switching. one stomp record and one stomp play. true-bypass it is not, but sometimes i think too many people are brainwashed by the true-bypass nazi's.
please excuse the bad MSpaint job, but you get the idea.

and for kicks, here's a pic(blurry-sorry) of my mobius trip--the one with 2 footswitches, bigger than the lofi, but i don't think anyone can match Z as far as cramming things into small packages.

idiot savant

oh yeah, the ISD1020 from smallbear is the chip you want....... 8)


Thanks for the post.  So it is an analog looper.  I don't want to be a true bypass nazi:)  Or an analog nazi for that matter.  I guess if I decide it needs a buffer I'll pop one in there.  THanks again.


hello everyone . im getting ready to build one of the mobius trip looper project i have to of the radioshack's voice recorder  ic .
my problem is the off board wiring does any one have a wiring layout that has been verefied to work . i read a few topics in this site but the y seem to be a bit confusiing .
please help out this newbiiiiiii ! i want to finish it already