Chinese ge trannies. Does the "C" on the end...

Started by m_charles, November 08, 2009, 05:09:52 PM

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mean anything?
Was considering a grab bag of 3AX31 and 3AX81 ge's, but no "C" on the end.
I once used the 3AX31C from Small bear with great results, so I'm wondering if these are the same.
Can't find a data sheet for the life of me.


hey, where did you guys get those Chinese Ge tranny instead from Small Bear?


Thanks finalrest!
It's a grab bag from overseas for a descent price but I may just stick with the small bear trannies and play it safe. Its worth a few bucks to just get 'em from SBE.


Do you have the source for those trannies? I am interested in such a bag as well.

Kind regards,