fuzz factory help needed

Started by ultran8, January 29, 2011, 08:16:32 PM

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i can get the squells and stuff out of it but no fuzz guitar sounds dead. oh and iff i ran my polarity backwards did i fry my ac128s ! im dumb please help
i put the stab on the side so u can roll it with foot . base of ac128 is left in pic do i have me caps wrong way used the layout,

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oh and iff i ran my polarity backwards did i fry my ac128s ! im dumb please help
i put the stab on the side so u can roll it with foot . base of ac128 is left in pic do i have me caps wrong way used the layout,
  The AC128's...if they bias and then the audio probe 'says' boost or whatever that stage is supposed to do...they probably survived the reverse polarization.
  Polarized caps aren't as tolerant to RP voltage.
  Swap them, then try [check power supply for 'correctness' such as non-shorting and + traces to [this is Pos Gnd Ckt.?...positive Gnd. Before applying power.
  Audio probe and voltages, but I don't know what bias-ballparks the Ffactory Q's play best in.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



ive change the caps still i get all the wierd zips and zows but the guitar is clean goin thru it no fuzz


i see you didn't socket those trannies, you could of heat damaged them.
Read that debugging sticky and post the pin voltages of those trannies, roll the Stab fully to the right, so everything is getting full voltage.


  Polarized caps that have been polarized...tossems.
 Transistors have been known to withstand RP.
 Here are some tests for the Q's:
 diode junction tests [can sometimes be tested in circuit.
 Hfe checker [good reader for Si], some DMM's have Hfe sockets.
 *Hfe - *leakage testjig socket [measures */*and allows for a calculated actual gain of Ge's, a very good barometer for use ability [see Geo.
 Does it work ?
 a. does it bias
 b. hows it sound/is it hissy ?
 1 Reverse polarity protection diode on the circuit in the + rail, or across the power supply rails can' be effective, you'll see this component included in many circuit schematics.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.