McMEAT (Meatball) Question

Started by vanessa, July 04, 2006, 05:52:18 PM

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Is there a schematic of the McMEAT that includes pedal 1 and pedal 2 jacks? What do these do? Can you add an expression pedal and make it act like a Wah Wah?
The schematic I've found (Moosapotamus) does not show the expression pedal jacks. I've seen the Piso-tones site and they show the jacks but not where to connect them and as to what they do.


hi there !
the pisotones website shows where to connect the jacks, it refers to points on the perf or pcb (like "al punte L de circuito" means to point L of the circuit) or pots.
one acts as a wah-wah when you choose the "off" setting.
with the other one you can control the decay with the pedal, but beware the setting of the pot influences the foot-controllable range.

effects built counter: stopped counting at 100


I'm not sure where on the on the pots I would connect the jacks. "Al tip del pote decay, Pote intens, Tip pote intens?


i´d say "tip" refers to the wiper of the pot (middle lug), while "pote" without specification means one of the outer lugs (in this case, the same one that has already a connection).

another caveat, in think for those two jacks (the pedal ones), you need jacks that are isolated against the chassis of the stomper. either the ones shown at pisotones or improvise with normal jacks and shrink tubing.


(i have only wired up the fx send and return jacks yet, so i´m using this funny language all the time cause i don´t have proof until i did it myself. but i´m pretty sure  :icon_biggrin:)
effects built counter: stopped counting at 100


One of the jacks is used as an expression pedal for the decay parameter, the other one is for the intensity parameter.

When the triggering is "off" the intensity pedal can be used as a wah
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


"ask Manolo himself... (PM)

I PM him but he's not around. Anyone else know or have a redrawn layout with the P1 and P2 wiring?

Manolo Dudes

Sorry... I was very busy lately!

"Tip" means wiper and "pote" means "pot", a short form for potentiometer. "Pote Intens" means "Intensity Potentiometer".
a.k.a. "Calambres" in


Bumping an old thread here because I just found it and my own topic did not get any interest it seems (granted I didn't give it too much time, but still, this already has some information).

Basically I was wondering if anyone had solidly translated the wiring for the expression pedals.  Do I need to use the switching jacks giving in the pistones site?  If so I can't find them anywhere....   :icon_redface:

I'm willing to install a toggle switch if I need to turn the things on or off, but at the very least I want to know what the Tip and Ring of the expression pedal jacks get wired to on the rest of the board.  I have figured out sort of I think but I want to be sure.

It looks like especially pedal 2 only needs a simple mono jack!  Is that true?  How can the expression pedal work just with a mono jack?

Can someone help me wire these things up?


Same question here. I'm thinking about doing a McMeat as a return from a 2-year building hiatus, but I want to make sure I have it down conceptually first...

I'm trying to plan out how to wire up the expression pedals, but I'm not entirely sure which jacks to use, as I've never done a build with expression pedals before. Pisotones shows funky jacks with 8 terminals on them, but I'm wondering if Switchcraft #12A jacks would suffice:

And once that's settled, I found this post in another topic:

Quote from: axg20202 on July 25, 2008, 06:46:53 AM
When I built the McMeat I chose not to bother with the expression pedal connections, but I believe the expression pedals are just remote pots that are effectively being placed in series with an existing pot in the McMeat. The expression pedal will move the resistance value around the current setting of the pot in the meatball. Note that the jacks need to be isolated from the chassis to work properly. You should probably buy the expression pedal that is recommended for the real Meatball. I think the wiring of the sockets is included in the McMeat schemo, but I'd have to check....

Can anyone verify if this is accurate? Are the expression pedals essentially just acting as potentiometers in series with the existing pots?

If so, that probably answers my question about which jacks to use for the expression pedals. They'd need to be plastic jacks in that case, right? Any suggestions for which ones to use?