How to start off with FX circuits

Started by popamp, December 28, 2009, 12:50:57 AM

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Can anyone tell me of any website/source that can give an explanation as to how the circuits work the way they do in effects pedals? Like maybe an explanation of what's going on in some standard pedals. Something like this:
But for some more pedals. This pic credits, so I hope you can help
I know the basic stuff about electronic devices and circuits like op amps, FETs, IC's but only in the theoretical sense. I don't know how they work/can be applied to an fx circuit.
Please guide me if I'm in the wrong place.


You are in the right place! However, what you're describing, a page that will tell you how 'x' pedal works isn't really easy to find. However, there is lots of information on this forum, including links to other websites that explain how many parts of pedals work.

I would suggest using the search function here - start with the specific pedal you're interested in learning about. Then type things like "how does an overdrive work?" or "clipping diodes" and see what comes up.

If you can't find out specific enough info, you could try posting your question in a new post - but be clear and specific about what you're wanting to know, otherwise people may pass the post by. is also a great website for lots of learning. It's helped me understand lots about circuitry.



Read "From Schematic to Reality" on the same site you linked to, it helped me out a lot when I was getting started.

Also try searching for the "Technology of the..." series on the Geofex site linked to by Jkokura. They provide detailed "walkthroughs" of the circuitry behind a variety of several famous types of pedals .

Mark Hammer

All good recommendations.

You would be pleasantly surprised to find out just how much explanation is offered here at a fairly basic level, when mods are explained.

I can also heartily recommend project articles from "the golden era" of hobby magazines (1974-1984 or thereabouts) like Popular Electronics, Radio Electronics, Electronics Today, Elektor, etc.  Many of these include inserts explaining how the circuit works and what each critical component and stage does.  The various Craig Anderton books do that too.


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  By 'all' I mean so many tons of intercalculating that I can not type it out by memory, and that wouldn't include some of the more illustrative information.
  You are way better off reading it all for yourself than getting my translation.
  By 'all' I mean everything, including the...
  Welcome to the forum !
  Reading helped me to form questions that couldn't be understood, and the ability to find answers without having to [attempt to] translate thoughts into verbage.
  Welcome ! I'd like to help you more right now, but have to concede to google being a better friend for that.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


This is a great thread:

Explains the basics of what each component does in a typical circuit.