MoogerFooger - made TB ?

Started by cedric, September 28, 2003, 09:33:17 AM

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it only uses a SPST switch in there, switching a buffer and the annoying thing (for me) is the volume/drive knob that always engaged (like on BOSS CE-1's etc..).

so shouldn't it be possible to hook it up with a 3PDT?
using two lugs for the flip-flop circuit it already uses and the normal six lugs for true bypass switching?

has anyone tried doing something like this on Mooger's?

- ced


You could probably mod it easily and I'm sure you could put it in a loop, but you know what? I LOVE the buffer/preamp in that thing. It drives great.  Clean, it's full and warm. I love it and I don't want to bypass it in mine.

Besides, I use mine in the studio, and when I have it plugged in at all, it's because it's on.



maybe build an fx-loop box, that you can re-use for other stuff too without modding your made-by-the-man product that must have cost you a kidney.  :)  just leave the moog 'on' all the time and switch it in and out with your true-bypass-with-LED 3PDT loop box?


sounds like a good idea.
and i actually like the buffer sometimes too.

i'm planning to make a huge switch box, in the near future (i have all the stuff for it - just gotta design it).

- ced