neat, simple post-midterms project

Started by phector2004, January 28, 2010, 12:49:18 AM

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Hey everyone, I've looked into the bazz fuzz lately, just cause its a very simple project to give me some confidence. At the same time, I looked at Christian H's page on his fuzz and decided to break the K.I.S.S. rule by throwing in a SPDT "flick" switch to change between regular diode and LED. Here's a schematic:

not sure what components i'll use yet, but one schematic i saw featured a 4.7uF electrolytic and 0.1uF film capacitor. As for the 100k resistor and the diode, I was thinking of throwing in a 250k trimpot and socket the diode so I can play around with different diodes and resistances to see what suits me best/change it later on if im not happy. The LED portion is purely for fun (and so i can plug up the gaping whole in my failed Ge FF box where the 2nd pot was!). I've read it makes the circuit less fuzzy and more of an overdrive.

What are your thoughts? Any ideas on the capacitor values? I've only been reading into DIY pedals for about a month now, so how would a higher/lower capacitance cap change the output?

thanks again for all your help!