Breadboard prototype setup - amp?

Started by glops, January 19, 2010, 05:23:10 AM

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Was wondering if you guys could recommend a good small wattage amp to be connected to my breadboard setup...  My current output goes into
a Crate practice amp and I use the headphones because the amp is too loud and my ears are hurting bad!

I would like to replicate the sound of my breadboard experiments to an actual speaker. Something that is closer to my Blues Deluxe.  The problem is the neighbors...

I was thinking of a Ruby or Gem but have read that those are loud.  But how loud?   If I ran a Ruby through a 5" or 6" speaker could I turn up enough to get a cranked sound with a fuzz out of the breadboard without it sounding like I was playing more than a loud stereo?

I guess what I am saying is that I want to hear somewhat of a true tone of a fuzz I build on a breadboard at a much lower volume?  And I know there's lots of noise in breadboard builds but...  Any recommendations are fully appreciated...


I ran a Ruby into a 4x12 cab and I'd say that was loud enough to hinder, but not completely drown out, a conversation.
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Thanks,  I am thinking of building a Ruby and then using that to drive either the 5" or 6" Jensen Mod. 


I made a Ruby-ish bench amp that I test everything through. In order to not disturb the neighbors I, uh, adjust the volume knob. It works fine. Just be careful you don't let that volume knob creep up as you get excited about your new circuit... ;)


I've thought a bit about problems that can come from tweaking an effect on a little practice amp in the lab, and then it sounding different through your big amp.  It's like mixing a record, it sounds perfect on the speakers it was mixed on, often less so on other stereos, etc.

Maybe a good idea to have two differently voiced little amps from different companies, for the serious pedalmaker to go back and forth and see if something sounds right on both.


I have realized the sound of my effects, when cranked through my headphones coming out of the crate practice amp, sounds much different then when I run them through my Blues Deluxe.  Using sockets for caps helps a bit.  I guess that's always gonna be a problem...

I am going to build a Ruby and use a small wattage guitar speaker, 5 - 8 inches, and see how that works.  I just need to stop using the headphones so much because I love LOUD and end up with bleeding ears...