New OD circuit: Atomic Overdrive II

Started by CynicalMan, January 16, 2010, 03:33:16 PM

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I normally don't post new circuits that I design on this forum, I just post them to my website and hope people can find them. With this one though, I felt a need to. I'm having so much fun with it that I felt I had to post it here.

It's a JFET boost/overdrive circuit that I designed a few days ago, based on a similar circuit that I designed a while ago. I've improved the old circuit and the new one is great! Lots of fat overdrive, mid-boosted drive, dirty boost, treble boost, clean boost, trebley light overdrive, and fat light overdrive sounds. I've made a soundclip but it doesn't really do this circuit. justice. I don't have a decent mic, so I have to record direct, and I don't have any sort of decent computer setup to record through. Also, the circuit is on my breadboard, so it's noisy.

Anyways, here's the schematic and site. Enjoy!


Thanx for sharing.
I will try this when I get some space on my Bboard
I checked out your sight some very useful stuff there.(bookmarked)
I plan on trying your speaker sim.
I also found your 386 OD interesting.I have used the 386 to overdrive a chip amp,never thought of overdriving a FET with it though.
I might try that one too. :icon_wink:
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band


Quote from: Brymus on January 16, 2010, 04:15:54 PM
Thanx for sharing.
I will try this when I get some space on my Bboard
I checked out your sight some very useful stuff there.(bookmarked)
I plan on trying your speaker sim.
I also found your 386 OD interesting.I have used the 386 to overdrive a chip amp,never thought of overdriving a FET with it though.
I might try that one too. :icon_wink:

Thanks! Once you've tried out the circuits, please tell me what you think.