ideas or suggestions

Started by arawn, January 28, 2010, 09:41:31 PM

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I recently got some parts from work and I was sorting them, turns out there were like 40 MPSA70's in there. I also got a bunch of cd4046 ics, as well as some ca3086 and ca3030.
I honestly just don't know what to do with them I know the 70's are a complementary npn/pnp darlington transistor for use as a general amplifier, and I know that some of the chips are pll's with vco's on board but I just wouldn't begin to know what to do with them, Maybe a phaser or something?
Any ideas and suggestions are welcome!
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MPSA70 is a loose-spec PNP (not a complementary Darlington).
Generally useful as a jellybean PNP.