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on guitar efects

Started by elfito, January 15, 2010, 12:42:59 AM

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    Hi all!!

i'm planing to build a greenringer to install inside my telecaster as an onguitar efect.
i have two questions:

1. will the transistor affect the pickups (caching radio signal) if i place it near them?

2.does it sound good when used before all efects?


1. will the transistor affect the pickups (caching radio signal) if i place it near them?
  Probably not.
2.does it sound good when used before all efects?
  Please, let me be Frank.
  Green Ringer alone and all, but generally the added Octave and other more intense sounds are preferred, to get those requires.another active stage + whatever else. Alone, the GR can exhibit rather 'uneven' note sustains etc. 
  For the Tele and Green Ringer, finding the tone you want while the circuit is outside the guitar is strongly suggested. Actually box the GR'+', and put a Stratoblaster [or other active] boost in the Tele with a push-pull Dpdt [on the volume pot] for Boost bypass.
  You'll almost certainly find the boost handy for GR activation into 'deeper harmonics, as well as for other effects / amp dirt, having the pickup outputs at hand for trial at all times is a good idea though, it help to find what sounds good with them.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


i think i did not frase the second question the right way   :icon_confused:

i ike the greenringer sound by itself, but i do not have one to try(i guess i will need to build one first :icon_razz:).
i wanted to know if it does sounds the same if is used before or after an efect like overdrive,distortion,filter...etc.

Mark Hammer

This is one of those effects that is better outside the guitar, where the signal can be preconditioned to bring ouot the best in the GR.  The GR is a bare bones circuit that does the minimum amount of work it has to in order to produce the effect.  It is pretty much designed around the assumption that there will be other things to help.


+1 for not putting the Green Ringer in your guitar.
I really like the effect, but half the fun is listening to how it sounds before and after different combos of fuzz/distortion, etc.
Also, the Ringer  can get kind of funny in certain situations.


you guys are right!
maybe i should think of a diferent efect,like a gain boost or a sustainer.
anyone know of a knobless efect  of this type?


I would put in a preamp...
"Sometimes it takes a thousand notes to make one sound"


Stick an Alembic Stratoblaster in there, nice clean linear boost. I made a teeny tiny vero layout for it,

Simply replace P1 with a jumper (for max boost) or a resistor of your choosing depending on how much boost you need, should be a pretty sweet mod.

(it says Martin L on the image, but it's really Martin D, I'm currently in the process of having my surname legally changed, it gets a bit confusing sometimes)
Behringer don't do signatures, but if they did, they'd probably stop working mid sen


  That is the sweetness ime. Mine is just a little stampsized square board in a 'big' [regular RACO] box.
  The design has been around and it's a good one, helps drive cables [current] and amps [signal voltage swings], very nice.
  I think we're all similar in that we like to tweek and swap and try different things, starting with this process inside the guitar means pulling the circuits out of the guitar.
  How about This ! NtYmention it.
  Pots [which includes true bypass "DPDT Push/Pull" and volume, SWTC as tonepot.
  Header on the circuit loop, inside the cavity, then you can figure out anything you want to put in there that, having tailored various circuits and what are they going to do when has been spotted, and the ''after-know'' sets in, most of the stuff is pinned down.
  You may find that by having an amazing blast of way over the bypass sound to be possible, when turning the distortion off, controlling things like speaker over-excursion, as an amazing blast of cone cries ou<
  Anyway, I decided about >15% over unity of pickups [volume full] made the boost bypass switch on guitar too dangerous.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


the stratoblaster sounds sweet! 8)
i'm thinking of a boost for the neck pickup so maybe replacing the pot with a 22k resistor will bee good

and yes ,i'm planing to use DPDT pots ,one for coil spliting and the other one for the efect.


Everyone is saying not to put the greenringer inside the guitar.

That's probably a good idea, but it's really up to you. Fenders are easy to put stuff in, Just drill a hole in the pickguard and pick up a new one for $15 if you decide you want it without effects.

It's totally up to what you want, and what tones you want out of your guitar. I play metal and i do a lot of things other guitarists shake their heads at. Like playing with a mid-boosting fuzz pedal while my mids are already on 11 and using pickups that give me a heavier midrange response. I like my mids I guess, but the point i'm making is that it's up to you.

Also Frank Zappa built a greenringer into several of his guitars, Including a hagstrom, stratocaster and some gretsch type hollow body guitar, some and others. He must have liked it in his guitars, or else he probably would have thought "I'm not going to make that mistake again".

So... Totally up to you.
I love the smell of baked tubes in the morning.


Quote from: Venusblue on January 17, 2010, 01:11:00 AM

Also Frank Zappa built a greenringer into several of his guitars, Including a hagstrom, stratocaster and some gretsch type hollow body guitar, some and others. He must have liked it in his guitars, or else he probably would have thought "I'm not going to make that mistake again".

So... Totally up to you.

that is exactly why i wanted to have a greenringer inside the guitar,i love frank's tone but the idea of a boost seem a little bit better,besides i realy wanted to try the greenringer in diferent setups

later on i will buil another guitar and i will not hold back whit that one(even dough this tele is moded now :P)


just finished the greenringer,tried before and after the distortion and overdrive(which was my main concern),and i like it more before this kind of effects.

so, i decided to add it to the guitar along with the booster :icon_biggrin:

alex frias

I think Fank would agree...
Pagan and happy!