Convert 18V into 2 9V supplys.

Started by tddy934, February 23, 2010, 01:29:57 AM

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I was wondering if there is a way to convert my 18 volt power supply into 2 9 volt supplys.
I want to make a power that contains both a lpb-1 and AMZ supper Buffer


Is it a standard DC adapter? If so, you can run multiple pedals off of it in parallel. The power supply would be shared and so they would not be isolated from each other. This may or may not cause some hum, depending on your setup. You can pick up a daisy chain cable on Ebay for about what it would cost you to make your own.

To drop the voltage down to 9V, you could use a 7809 regulator (and a couple of capacitors). You probably wouldn't need a heatsink, but they're cheap and easy to install, so unless space is a concern, you might as well. :)

If you're not doing it for yourself, it's not DIY. ;)

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