How do i post pictures? Make edits?

Started by MmmPedals, February 17, 2010, 11:41:10 PM

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How do i get a picture to appear in a post?
How to i change or add to post once its up? (i think i remember doing this once in the past just cant remember how.)
Thanks for the help


You can put pictures in with an 'img' tag. You can click quote on a post that has a picture to see an example.

You can only modify your posts for a short while after posting them (I don't remember how long). If you can, there will be a modify button on your post, next to 'quote'.


This forum does not directly host your images. You must put them on some other server, then link into your post.

I like for ad-hoc image hosting. Easy, quick, free.

After uploading, TinyPic gives you several URLs for your image. Be sure to grab the one which has "{IMG}" in front. Copy and paste into your post.

Work the numbers given on the plan. 2.19V through 5K is 0.438mA, etc.

Gives this:

QuoteWork the numbers given on the plan. 2.19V through 5K is 0.438mA, etc.

The Modify button is above your own post for a limited time, roughly an hour. Some other forums allow unlimited modification forever; of course that can be abused or get confusing. This site's management just lets us fix quick typos, not change history.

If a post is over a minute old when you modify, there will be a note at the bottom so readers know you've been changing the recent past. (I do that a lot.)