Expression pedal diagrams and expression outs instead of pots

Started by jkokura, March 17, 2010, 04:23:59 PM

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1. There are plenty of options out there for expression pedals, commercially, but I'd like to know how to wire one. If anyone can point me to how that's done, or at least draw it that'd be helpful. I'm a visual learner, so drawings make more sense to me than descriptions.

2. I tried searching on this one, but how would I go about wiring a function of a pedal's pots (i.e. the blend on a parallel looper) so that I would be able to use an expression pedal instead of a knob. I'd like it so that there is a pot and knob for use without an expression pedal, but when inserting a plug into the 'expression' jack of the pedal, the pot is overridden (I figure that way it can be done analog, without digital switching or programming). Again, diagrams make more sense to me than descriptions. But I will say, descriptions are better than absolutely nothing, so even if you can try describing a solution please do.

Again, I have and will be searching for answers.



1. The easiest version of this is just a wah pot hooked up to a stereo jack.

2. for each pot you want to be able to use an expression pedal with, you'll need a switching stereo jack--wire it so it disconnects the pot leads when a jack is plugged in :)
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