Dynacomp with Jangle Switch build

Started by doggins, March 16, 2010, 03:02:06 PM

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After succeeding with my rather simple Stratoblaster build I've decided to try something a little more complicated so I'm taking a stab at building this box:


I can get just about everything I need from a couple different suppliers, but I'm having a little difficulty finding the 50k resistor that this build calls for. Would there be much of a difference if I substituted 51k resistors instead of the 50k's that this requires? I'm still a circuit newb, so forgive me if this is a stupid question. Also, when this says "sil mica" capacitor, I'm assuming this means silver mica? Thanks.

Mark Hammer

If yu have easy access to 1% metal oxide resistors, then get 50k, but if not, 50k = 51k.  especially when you consider that "normal" resistors have a +/-5% tolerance.  And yes, sil mic = silver mica.


Thanks a lot Mark! Oddly the 50k seems a little harder to find. I'm trying to not have to spend 5 bucks shipping on one order of resistors. I can get the 51k's along with the sil mica capacitors and the rest of my odds and ends from Small Bear, so I can complete my supply list there.