Dr Boogey Switch wiring

Started by realizewhoitis, December 21, 2009, 04:05:15 PM

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Can someone please explain to me how to hook the 3pdt switch up to the Dr Boogey?  Ive seen the diagrams that say things liek FX in and such but im not sure how to find those exactly on the PCB



john lyons and it is similar to gauss


Unless you can link me to the John Lyons one (I cant find it), I'll refer you to the gaussmarkov one. You can see were it says 'in' on the bottom left side of the board.


The output is coming off of lug 2 of the volume/master pot, according to the schematic.

I've heard a lot of squeely, loud noise build reports, so you might benefit from using a grounded input style switching, as in this picture

I use this grounding for all the effects I build. The in's and out's should make sense from that picture.



Quote from: mth5044 on December 21, 2009, 04:56:49 PM
Unless you can link me to the John Lyons one (I cant find it), I'll refer you to the gaussmarkov one. You can see were it says 'in' on the bottom left side of the board.


The output is coming off of lug 2 of the volume/master pot, according to the schematic.

I've heard a lot of squeely, loud noise build reports, so you might benefit from using a grounded input style switching, as in this picture

I use this grounding for all the effects I build. The in's and out's should make sense from that picture.

Hey so with the Gaussmarkov layout...The "In" on the bottom left corner...Which hole is it actually pointing out as the In to the board? Is it the square one to the left of R1 or is it the square one right above R1.
Based on this picture...


I can't tell you 100% which one because I'm not looking at the schematic, but I'd say I'm 98% sure that it is the square hole to the right of the IN. The one below appears to be part of the ground plane, one of the last places you want your signal to go to.  :)