Ge-7 mod, to buy or to diy?

Started by jeremy2223, March 18, 2010, 04:52:32 AM

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I am interested in doing Martys GE-7 mod, but my lack of knowledge when it comes to building pedals (even though I can solder etc) has got me wondering whether it would be just alot easier to buy Monte Allums kit. In terms of cost, how much would I save by doing it myself? And if I did get Monte Allums kit, is the normal mod the best or is it worth more to get the Plus model? I am a student and throwing around money isn't my forte, I also live in New Zealand so I would need to get it shipped.

Any ideas?

Cheers guys.


''99 problems but a glitch aint one!''


I swapped the generic TL022 opamps for TLE2072 (no other changes) and it made a big difference in the noise floor.  I might replace the caps in the future, but for me the improvement from the opamp swap was "good enough."  My gut feeling is that the opamp change gives perhaps an 80% improvement, while the caps might get you another 10-15%.

I would recommend using high impedance opamps rather than the 5532.


Cheers for that, thats exactly what I wanted to know. Did you also use sockets?



Yep, I used sockets.  As far as noise goes, the TLE2072 is only very slightly improved over the TL072.  Perhaps not enough to notice.  I just happened to have some on hand, and they seemed a little quieter than RC4558s.