Started by peps1, March 18, 2010, 04:19:23 PM

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Hi guys, trying to put together a library of original Muff PCB tracer can you help?

If you have a Muff, and a flat-bed scanner please scan the tracer side of the board, along with a ruler for measurements and post here with as much info of what version your Muff is. 

Some Original Big Muff PCB layouts, and works in progress can be found here.


Do nano muff overdrives count?


Quote from: CynicalMan on March 18, 2010, 04:54:45 PM
Do nano muff overdrives count?

Yes indeed, if you are willing to take the time to scan  :icon_biggrin:


Sorry I havent finished one yet, I been busy. I' will get it doen unless someone beats me to it.


Try out this site... (mainly the history pages) it has huge amounts of muff info.

On this page it has a PCB image for a Triangle Muff Plus more Gut shots than you can shake a stick at (if you fancy threatning big muffs with a stick)

Then there's seperate pages for the Russian versions etc.


Thanks for the links Scruffie, excellent site, but to produce a true scale PCB tracer layouts it has to be a scan, as even the slightest angle of a photon will mess up the proportion and scale.

That said, all the gut shots on the site are perfect for making population diagrams for all the different Muffs.

Quote from: bumblebee on March 18, 2010, 06:17:57 PM
Sorry I havent finished one yet, I been busy. I' will get it doen unless someone beats me to it.

Nothing to apologise for bumblebee!  :)


That's an awesome website with tons of historical info!
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