NTE cross ref. transistors

Started by rtill, March 19, 2010, 03:00:40 PM

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I recently ran out of 2n5089's and 2n5088's.  My build was a FuzzFace NPN type circuit.  Generally I would use the 2n5089's or 5088's in a circuit like this for high gain.  Well, unfortunately the only place in town with similar transistors was a local NTE outfit.  The replacement/cross matched transistors I ended up using were NTE47's and oh my god they beefed up the sound of this pedal like I couldn't believe.  I mean full fledged body and tone!!! 
Has anyone else experienced NTE's to be a better quality transistor?  or at least more consistent? I do know they are more expensive!


In the past when I used them, I found the case to be the opposite.  :-\
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH

Joe Hart

I, too, have found the exact opposite. Maybe you lucked out?
-Joe Hart