Uses for SPDT switches

Started by Pakaloabob, March 18, 2010, 08:25:31 AM

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Due to an error in my order from Parts Express, I have an over-abundance of SPDT switches. I also have one 3PDT stomp switch on which I ruined 2 of the poles, essentially making it a SPDT stomp switch.
I am looking for some good uses for these switches. I guess they could also be used as SPST. In all the projects I have done and/or researched, very few use switches, and iof those that do, most use DPDT. The only circuit I have used SPST switches for was runoffgroove's Mr. EQ.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.


You could use these to switch between different input caps, different clipping diodes, etc.

Wire the incoming signal to center pole, then component A to one pole, component B to the other, and both component leads together (ie; to ground, if hard clipping diodes).

I'm on my phone, hope that makes sense :)