What to do when it works the first time?

Started by G. Hoffman, April 01, 2010, 04:28:18 PM

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G. Hoffman

I guess I just finished rebuilding my amp. :-\

When I first built it (from a GDS 18 Watt kit), I didn't do a very good job.  Well, I did a really bad job, as in non-functional.  And I didn't know enough to do anything about it, so I took it to a local amp tech who fixed it, and helped me out a lot. 

A few months back I decided to rebuild it using all I had learned in the last few years.  As a sort of final push, I took this week off of work to finish up my amp, and then to fix whatever mistakes I had made.  Well, and biking a lot - its been in the mid 70s all week, which is odd for Minnesota in late March/early April. 

The only problem with that theory is, when I fired it up just now to figure out what I needed to do, it worked perfectly.  No mistakes.  So now what do I do with the rest of my vacation?!??!?!?! ;D ;D

I guess reading Merlin Blencowe's book and Kevin O'Connor's books has been useful.  But does this mean I'm actual kind of know what I'm doing?

I don't mean to gloat or anything (well, maybe a little), but this has never happened to me with any complicated electronics before!  I'm kind of pleased with myself at the moment.



Well, build another one.  Keep trying until you get it wrong!!


  Perfect...anyone notice the DIY sign is upside down ^?
  18w gets work here..does very well indeed [GDS/Heyboer OT, RCA PT].
  Took me years after I thought I had an amp all 'ironed out' before I again figured it's all ironed out again.
  I got another Fender BF here, it helps to have a reference amp to see how your'e doing.
  Believing they're all up and working, I began cleaning the garage, and there's this RCA radio 10x4'' tube amp [5tubes, simple lookin']...needs a grounded power supply because the other two teeny watt amps I built are wierd, one is starved voltage output tubes..eh, the other has all new caps through it [that is 20+ new capacitors, but hums like something, a wrestling-wiring mesh in there...I'm not diving in.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: G. Hoffman on April 01, 2010, 04:28:18 PM

The only problem with that theory is, when I fired it up just now to figure out what I needed to do, it worked perfectly.  No mistakes.  So now what do I do with the rest of my vacation?!??!?!?! ;D ;D


Seriously, if you're completely happy with the way your amp sounds there's something seriously wrong with you.  I'm in Chicago and it's not out of the realm to:

1). Take away your status as a right-minded guitar player.  What the hell are you thinking?  You ALWAYS need the next BEST thing...
2). Confiscate this amp that has obviously clouded your judgement.  I'd be willing to work with the amp (for years if necessary) to determine what would make it destroy your mind like it obviously has.
Bust the busters
Screw the feeders
Make the healers feel the way I feel...


It works?
Look at it suspiciously. Think about what mods you can start to do to it. Find something about it that you don´t like, such as, "the mids are not ethereal enough" or "It doesn´t alter the time-space fabric when I play Cmaj7". Or "the black panel is not nice, it should be baby blue, and the light red tolex would look much better than the deep red it has now". Start modding. Never mind playing the thing.

What was the name of that pedal? OCD?


You are not alone...

G. Hoffman

Quote from: Gordo on April 01, 2010, 06:40:42 PM
Seriously, if you're completely happy with the way your amp sounds there's something seriously wrong with you.  I'm in Chicago and it's not out of the realm to:

1). Take away your status as a right-minded guitar player.  What the hell are you thinking?  You ALWAYS need the next BEST thing...
2). Confiscate this amp that has obviously clouded your judgement.  I'd be willing to work with the amp (for years if necessary) to determine what would make it destroy your mind like it obviously has.

Oh, I haven't even started on the tone tweaking part of it.  THAT is a whole other issue.  I'm gonna start playing around with the coupling caps, and maybe try to get a little more gain out of the boost/overdrive section tomorrow.  The only thing is, I never expected it to WORK right away, much less sound good. 

Some pictures.  Its not the prettiest thing ever, and I made some odd design decisions, but I'm happy as can be.  This much is for sure - its not much like the original kit anymore!

You know, I have a (Doug) Hoffman style AC-30 around here I've never been happy with (my workmanship, not Doug's design) - I might need to get it a better chassis, and see what I can build with the transformers!




Let me tell you- the "tone tweaking" is the longest part of the learning process. At least it is for me. I designed/built an amp in 2008 that I finally got tweaked in this year- and now I really love it. I bought an amp a little over a year ago that I have been modding. I thought I was done with it a few weeks ago, but there are some other minor improvements I think I'd like to try.

The tweaking goes on forever, unfortunately. That's the bane of the DIY-er. Once you figure out how this stuff works and how to make it sound better, you continually want to do that...  :icon_sad: :icon_wink:
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


  During the course of working an amp to be under your complete control...
  You may notice the amplifier takes on a character which places you under it's complete control.
  It's ALIVE !
  Try to remember to avert your eyes at the appropriate moment.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Paul Marossy

Read the "What To Do When It Works The First Time" thread in the sticky section.  :icon_wink:

Oh wait, there isn't one. I think an official one needs to be created. We could all chime in with our suggestions.  :icon_cool:


Quote from: G. Hoffman on April 01, 2010, 04:28:18 PM
I guess I just finished rebuilding my amp. :-\

When I first built it (from a GDS 18 Watt kit), I didn't do a very good job.  Well, I did a really bad job, as in non-functional.  And I didn't know enough to do anything about it, so I took it to a local amp tech who fixed it, and helped me out a lot. 

A few months back I decided to rebuild it using all I had learned in the last few years.  As a sort of final push, I took this week off of work to finish up my amp, and then to fix whatever mistakes I had made.  Well, and biking a lot - its been in the mid 70s all week, which is odd for Minnesota in late March/early April. 

The only problem with that theory is, when I fired it up just now to figure out what I needed to do, it worked perfectly.  No mistakes.  So now what do I do with the rest of my vacation?!??!?!?! ;D ;D

I guess reading Merlin Blencowe's book and Kevin O'Connor's books has been useful.  But does this mean I'm actual kind of know what I'm doing?

I don't mean to gloat or anything (well, maybe a little), but this has never happened to me with any complicated electronics before!  I'm kind of pleased with myself at the moment.


Looks like you need a new project eh!  How about a Dr. Boogey and post some quality clips (there are few on youtube).  Ok ok...i have an hidden motive in that
i'm gonna build one and want to hear some clips   ;D
"Hows are we's?  We's in the f*cking middle of a dinners meal!  Dats hows we am!" - Skwisgaar Skwigelf

G. Hoffman

Quote from: philbinator1 on April 03, 2010, 11:31:34 PMLooks like you need a new project eh!  How about a Dr. Boogey and post some quality clips (there are few on youtube).  Ok ok...i have an hidden motive in that i'm gonna build one and want to hear some clips   ;D

Oh no, I have about 1,000 projects I'm working on at the moment.  I don't need any more!

The Dr. Boogey is supposed to sound like a Mesa Duel Rectifier?  That's not coming off of my bench any time soon.  I can't stand Mesa's amps.  I'm much more of a Marshall kind of guy, with maybe a bit of really cranked AC-30 from time to time.  But then, my favorite musicians are Elvis Costello and Joe Strummer, so I don't really need high gain very often!
