Help with Clari(not) LDR maybe

Started by Johnnie D., April 11, 2010, 04:00:29 PM

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Johnnie D.

Hey Guys and or Gals,
Hows it going?
I made the Clari(not) but the tracking knob doesn't seem to be doing anything.
I tested the VTL5C4 I got with a multimeter set on OHMs and the LED side changes readings from 1.0 to 2.0 but the LDR side stays at .07 no matter where the tracking knob is.
Does this sound like I got a bad LED/LDR?
I'm reading 3.44 vdc from pin 5 of the LM386 apparently going through a 10uF capacitor and into lug 1 of the tracking pot, lug 2 apparently varies the resistance to the LED. Should I be able to read a voltage at lug 1 or 2 to ground?
I appreciate any help you can give and thanks in advance.

Johnnie D.

Just in case anybody wants to know; The LED/LDR was O.K. I broke it open so I could see what was happening and it works except for the fact it wasn't getting any juice past the 10 uF capacitor so i hooked it directly to the 9V and tried different resistors before it till the light went off completely when turned down. So I ended up getting another LED because I broke the one I had and taped it to the photocell. It seems to be doing something now but very subtle. This is my vacation. Trouble shooting an effects pedal. What has my life come to.

Johnnie D.

I'm sorry. Apparently I didn't get the part where the led is supposed to blink when you play.
It turns out I had shorted the wiper of the depth pot to the case. My Bad!
Please forgive me for the evil thoughts I had.

Johnnie D.

I got it working. It is an extremely cool build and I would recommend it to anyone.
It is funny how a little mistake can cause so much hassle.
Peace Out!