Buffer for MFD pickups?

Started by Pakaloabob, January 18, 2010, 10:37:22 AM

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I had previously reported that I was having issues with "squealing" from my build of ROG May Queen. The squealing was attenuated by rolling back the volume knob -or- the tone control (less treble). I tried different transistors and modifying the circuit by lowering voltage to the transistors but that just caused mis-biasing and unpleasant sound.
I have also built other projects which exhibit the same type of squeal: Grace from runoffgroove.com, Whisker Biscuit and Odie from home-wrecker.com. All these circuits exhibit squeal at full gain and full volume/treble from guitar. In the case of the Whisker Biscuit, the squeal went away by either turning the gain down -or- rolling back the treble on the tone pot. 
My guitar is a G&L ASAT Special which has "Magnetic Field Design" high output single coil pickups. I have done testing on both my 15W solid state practice amp, and my Fender Hotrod Deluxe. Squealing is present in both amps. Unfortunately I haven't tested with other guitars - I only have the one and haven't had a chance to try on my friends' guitars.
Yesterday I was testing Odie and I thought I might try throwing something in front to try to remove the squeal. I placed my ROG Omega directly after guitar, then Odie, then into amp. I was able to have my guitar at full volume/treble, Omega at full volume and no squeal from Odie at full gain!
Now, I hypothesize that Odie might have some buffering capabilities that somehow attenuates the squealing. I don't know if the Omega is actually a buffer or not. And I don't know if buffering is the answer to removing the squeal I am experiencing from a variety of pedals. Perhaps I am getting hung up on the description of my pickups as "high output."
I do need to do more experimenting, but so far this seems hopeful.
Can anyone verify that I might be on the right track, or that I am totally off base? If I am heading in the right direction, does anyone have a suggestion for a buffer that would be appropriate for high output pickups. Or, ideally if anyone plays a G&L with this type of pickup?
Oh, and feel free to set me straight if I am making up or bastardizing concepts that I don't understand  ;)


I'm not an expert so maybe someone else can verify, but I have also been having squealing issues with my ASAT special. From what I have been able to discover, the problem could be one of a few possibilities.

1. The pickups need to be repotted, meaning dipping the pickup in melted wax and getting the wax in there to melt and then reseal.
There is some good information here: http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo/Electronics/Pickup_building/a-lindyfralin.html

2. The springs holding the pickups may be causing microphonic problems and I've heard that using surgical tubing can help in many cases - although I'm not sure if you replace the springs with it or just slip them around the springs.

3. Sometimes the bridge is not seating well enough and will cause microphonics. Some have said putting some double sided tape under the front edge (towards pickups) or melting some wax underneath can help. A good tip I read was to get your guitar squealing and press around on the bridge and see if it is reduced or goes away (btw this didn't seem to help me).

I'm about to try any or all of the above as I can barely use my tube screamer at band volumes without major squeal. Same on my high gain channel.

Like I said, I'm no expert and just trying to get to the bottom of this myself so if anyone has gone through this please help before I sell my beloved. My Special has been a great sounding and very versatile axe. It seems as though in my situation the squeal has slowly been getting worse over time leading me to think potting is the way to go, but I will try to do something about the springs as well.

If I get anywhere I'll be sure to repost. Good luck - its a sh***y feeling to be on stage and get squeals instead of rich, smooth distortion.


TRy a totally different guitar and see, Ive head of pickups going microphonic but dont think I have ever witnessed it......... search the web and see how to determine this...... sorry for the lack of expertise.......

hey I did have a VHT deliverance with Microphonic tubes that drove me nuts till I was told how to diagnose that..... anythings possible.
put it together, now take it apart