It's possible that I ate solder. Am I going to die?

Started by AudioMime, May 04, 2010, 10:13:41 AM

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G. Hoffman

The alchemists were fascinated by mercury.  They played with it in all sorts of ways.  Issac Newton, who was possibly even more of a alchemist than he was a physicist, used it extensively when he was Master of the Mint to refine silver and gold to an amazing degree.  One of his rivals, Robert Hooke, was known to drink huge amounts of mercury trying to cure his various illnesses.  It was also a common "cure" (not particularly effective, mind you!) for syphilis.  It would be injected up your, erm, urethra.  During the Civil War, if a soldier admitted to their company surgeon that you had frequented a prostitute while on leave, they would give you a preemptive treatment. This was quite painful, and few were foolish enough to admit as much twice!

Yes, I've watched too much History Channel in my life.



QuoteThen there's the lady who dropped and broke a compact fluorescent bulb. Knowing in a general way that it had mercury in it and knowing that this required some special clean up to get things right, she called the state's environmental agency to get pointers. A long saga made short, she wound up with a hazmat team there to do the cleanup and a $2000 bill for the cleanup.

Thereby making sure that enlightened people DO NOT report mercury spills, because there is in effect, a $2000 (depends on locale, obviously) fine for reporting it. What's wrong with this bit of social engineering by a government?  icon_lol
Very true R.G. The $2,000 charge is not actually a fine as much as it is the cost to clean up the "spill." There are, however fines associated with not having the mercury properly cleaned up.

Now imagine a few years down the road when all the Compact Fluorescent Lights start piling up in the landfills. And the mercury starts leaching into the ground water table. Who do you suppose will foot the bill for THAT cleanup? Anyone up for higher taxes?
Bob Iles | Guitars and Such
My Solo Project

G. Hoffman

Quote from: GtrmanMoe on May 06, 2010, 08:50:13 PM
Now imagine a few years down the road when all the Compact Fluorescent Lights start piling up in the landfills. And the mercury starts leaching into the ground water table. Who do you suppose will foot the bill for THAT cleanup? Anyone up for higher taxes?

Except, of course, you are not supposed to throw them in the trash.  You are supposed to recycle them.  My power company even pays for it. 



You take them to the local 'tip' here and they deal with them for you.


QuoteExcept, of course, you are not supposed to throw them in the trash.  You are supposed to recycle them.

Yeah, you're supposed to recycle them. However, a great many people don't always do what they are supposed to do, because they just don't want to be bothered. You'd be surprised at some of the stuff I've seen working in the environmental cleanup field.
Bob Iles | Guitars and Such
My Solo Project


So this is what Margaret Tatcher and like politics do, nobody has job and money and start eat whatever. Bread queue is bigger than labour day parade.

Good thing it only makes it shorter in the end part, not the beginning, if you are poisoned, like smoking. I think this is more difficult to teach for kids, we used to have guys here from mostly south from me (no real winter) but they knew "donĀ“t eat yellow snow" but they were clever guys

Dan N


Quote from: frequencycentral on May 04, 2010, 11:37:48 AM
It's bad to eat it?? Now you guys tell me....... >:(  This should be in the FAQ.

rotflmao  :icon_mrgreen: