Best integration method for LFO

Started by Pablo1234, May 13, 2010, 12:21:37 PM

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I am making a 4 channel programmable LFO at the moment but I'm somewhat stuck on making a good tri at 0.1 Hz. My range is 10Hz to 0.1 Hz and the techniques I have tried like the fender integration circuit give me a really crappy saw at 1 Hz or less. Basically if I integrate for a 1 Hz signal anything higher gets attenuated to a point of not being useable but the 0.1 Hz is acceptable, but if I do the integration for a 10Hz signal with good gain and just clip and reintegrate one more time the 1 Hz and lower are not so good.

any suggestions would be appreciate. Working at frequencies this low is troublesome to say the least.