proco rat clone problem

Started by makaze808, May 18, 2010, 04:22:01 AM

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Hi. I have built a rat clone based on the GGG schematic. I have used raytheon lm308h can opamp. I have read the pinout asif I am looking down on the can top, pins being 1 to 8 anti clockwise like a dil package with the tag representing pin 8.

after initial issues due to me not building the voltage divider correctly I now have a sweet distortion but there no volume boost. I'm not sure wether that is normal on a rat, I'm used to huge boosts from muffs and colorsound overdriver which send my 5 watt marshall into heavenly saturation.

The pin voltages appear a little strange in that 1 have 8 volts on pin 6 (the output), and pin 1 and 8 a a lot higher than voltages stated on the web.

Any help appreciated.


can you post soundclips, please?