MXR Microamp Troubleshooting :(

Started by studiostud, May 17, 2010, 09:14:04 PM

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 I have an MXR Microamp build in the works and I'm going off of the tonepad layout  (  The problem I am getting is that the signal coming out of the board is very weak.  If I have the C500K pot turned all the way up, it almost matches the bypassed volume but is still audibly lower and turning it down to zero drops the signal to nothing when it should be at unity gain. 

The voltages on the 1N270 and the JRC4558 look solid.  Not sure if this is normal, but the signal volume drops about half across C2 and then drops to about =<5% across R2 and R3.  So by the time the signal even gets to the opamp, it's nill.  I've checked and rechecked all the resistor and cap values and solder points and I've measured the resistance of all the resistors.  I unfortunately don't have a multimeter that has a capacitance feature, but I've been pretty careful with my soldering.

Any ideas I can look at?  Thanks in advance for any help.

Builds Completed: Big Muff. Fuzz Face. Tube Screamer. Rat. Crash Sync. Harmonic Jerkulator. 6-band EQ. Rebote 2.5. Tremulus Lune. Small Stone. Small Clone. Microamp. LPB-2. Green Ringer. Red Ranger. Orange Squeezer. SansAmp. MXR Headphone Amp. Bass Fuzz.