Phase 90 mod with 45/90 switch...??

Started by fishbone89, March 09, 2010, 02:49:23 PM

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Hello there. I know there are a lot of very knowledgeable people on here so i wanted to ask my question. I am into modding pedals and i want a phase 45. the MXR 45 reissue is backordered until june so i thought "wonder if i can get a phase 90 and add a toggle to cut out 2 or the 4 phase stages?" So its basically a 45/90 toggle switch, i guess it picks between 2 0r 4 phase stages....
I know that modders offer this mod, but i think i can diy-it. Just wondering if anyone had any good links to this mod, or schematics, instructions, ideas, input, etc....
Thanks a lot. :D


I'm interested in the same thing. Or for a depth control mod.
There is also something about doing a Univibe mod for the original MXR pedals?
I was going to use the tonepad schematic. What modifications have people done to this circuit?

It'd be good to get a concise list of what you can do and how to do them before i build it.

Or a page not in Spanish or whatever language so us noobs can copy  ;)

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