Rebote 2 Delay Mod help

Started by diemilchmann, May 31, 2010, 12:11:43 PM

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I want to mod my Tonepad Rebote 2, and one thing i just cant find is how to make a flashing led that matches the delays, or the equivalent LED effect. Is this possible  just by hooking up the LED to one of the pots or to the PT2399 or soemthing?

Also, the endless delay  mod with the momentary switch is something im looking at, heres the diagram i found of it

Minus the  pole for the LED on SW2, making it a SPDT, is there a way to do this with a DT momentary, because lug 3 isn't connected to anything?



No to the LED idea. Cos the PT2399 doesn't work on a LFO, but rather controls the delay time using a voltage controlled osc (VCO), and the VCO is internal and also works at a higher frequency (apx 30kHz to 20MHz) any LED you hook up to the chip will look like it's on all the time, or else will affect the sound.

From memory you can use the PTAP mod and hook up an LED to that, which will also give you a tap tempo option, but I think if you use the actual time pot to set the delay time rather than the tap switch, your LED will be inaccurate.

The picture you linked to is for a different mod, and will give you a tails option. I think the mod you want is here

Which looks like it uses a SPDT momentry anyway
Looks like we're gonna need a bigger amp.

Just to "get to pitch" you need a trimmer. That's why guitars have knobs, and why xylophone makers have power grinders. - PRR


with the 15 k changed to 10k, would this work? it seems to make sense. It bypasses the limiting facto for the feedback into the PT2399, correct?


It'll work regardless of what that resistor is, within reason of course. All the footswitch is doing is dropping a parallel resistor across the 15k one, lowering the value of the total feedback resistance, with the time it swells into oscillations set by the pot (pot set to large value=higher total R(feedback)=slow swell, pot set to lower value=lower total R(feedback)=fast swell) limited by the 2k2 resistor.

If you lower the 15k resistor to 10k, all that will happen is that you'll be able to set the delay time pot to full and have it swell into oscillations without hitting the footswitch.
Looks like we're gonna need a bigger amp.

Just to "get to pitch" you need a trimmer. That's why guitars have knobs, and why xylophone makers have power grinders. - PRR