kORG A3 gate effect

Started by makaze808, June 15, 2010, 10:18:43 AM

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My Korg A3 had an effect on one of the chains called GATE, it was not a noise gate from what I remember. It was early in a chain it has a pre delay control (upto 50ms), level and depth control. I was wondering if anyone can work out what the effect was actually doing. I can only guess it was a gate that only opened once a threshold was reAched. It was very good for clean guitar work and I'd like to try and build one. Would there be any schematics for the A3 effects anywhere beyond googling?

Any info appreciated.


I had an A3, but I can't recall what this effect was..maybe it was on another card I didn't have.. No schematic, the A3 is a digital unit as you know