How to make BSIAB II by Gaussmarkov brighter and with more headroom?

Started by robotubo, June 14, 2010, 10:24:52 AM

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How can we make a BSIAB II by Gauss Markov brighter, more headroom and maybe lesser gain? Thanks :)


Don't know about Gaussmarkov's, but on the GGG version I clip the two .0022uF caps at the end, replace the 470pF cap with a 560pF and use all 2N5457 transistors. This gives it a bit more mids overall and more treble as you turn the tone control up. It gets a nice classic rock crunch with the gain backed off and volume up/treble to taste; cuts nicely. SO many sounds to be had from the BSIAB II that I wish I could put it in a rack unit and program MIDI banks with all of my favorite ones.

Since EVH's sound is really a bit flat (or a little scooped) in the mids, I've thought about building a 2nd one with the same mods and the stock 470pF cap.