CD4049UBE compatible with CD4049UBCN?

Started by Bucksears, June 14, 2010, 12:32:58 PM

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I have a Madbean distortion circuit that I'm working on that uses the CD4049UBE; don't have one right now (have one on order) and tried a CD4049UBCN.
From what I've read, they both have the same pinout, but not getting any sound. Are the ICs interchangeable/the same or would this be a problem?
Just wanted to start there before I start troubleshooting other stuff.


Fuzz Aldryn


yes they are intechangable. As long as it have the suffix "UB+X" whether it is "UBE" oder "UBCN" it's completly ok. The UBCN is prone to be less noisy though. UB stands für unbuffered which ist realy important to get it to work in most of our cmos-distortions.
Though it could still has something to do with a faulty IC as CMOS are a bit sissy with eletrostatic discharges.


Mark Hammer

The UB should be all that matters.  The additional letters signify something else with respect to that particular manufacturer's standards/assurances/specs.  The UB stipulates "unbuffered" which is a different sort of functionality, andpermits it to operate in a linear fashion.


Thanks guys - I have another CD4049UBCN that I can try in the meantime. I'll swap out the other IC (TL072) too.
