Jumbo ToneBender perfboard layout

Started by Ucho, August 31, 2007, 11:29:25 AM

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I've done my first layout.

It's, as you guessed, a perfboard layout of the ColorSound Jumbo Tone Bender.

I've based my layout on Fuzzcentral schematic.

I've tried to keep it small.

Since it's my first layout probably I've made some mistakes, so some of you could give a look and tell if/where are errors.

Any suggestion/comment/critique will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Some notes:
I used BC184C pinout as reference. So, in the layout, from top to bottom, is CBE. 2N5088/89 should be reversed.
I 'forgot' the 22uF filtering cap between + and ground.
Pot are intended looking at them from the 'top'.
C12 could be soldered directly to Tone pot and the to the wire going to volume pot.




  Compare it to the 4 transistor Big Muff.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.