Small Clone from Tonepad Problem

Started by joethugs, May 24, 2010, 11:36:37 PM

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need help with my small clone chorus no chorus sound and you only hear a pitch on it but if you turn the depth pot it changes the pitch.. ???

What could be the problem?.. any ideas.. really need help.. ???

this is my third build i made the Rebote Delay and it sounded right..


HELP PLEASE!! :icon_confused:



Yep, all of the information from the debugging instructions would be helpful.

However, one thing with the small clone is that the effect is critically dependant on the adjustment of the trim pot.  There is a small range of settings where the effect works.  Anything outside that window and you get no chorus.  Try slowly turning the trim pot while plucking a string with the other hand to see if you can find the sweet spot.


ok i'll try that today and post result tomorrow  :icon_confused: but wait :icon_exclaim: if the chorus is dependent on the trimpot would you still hear an output or would it be totally shutdown? cause in mine there's  no output at all.. ???


Nope.  I misunderstood what you had written.  If there is no signal apssing at all you have a larger problem.

Try to post the information from the debugginh list if you can.


HI! thanks a lot for all the advice luckily when i started trouble shooting my build I found out that there is no power running on the effect as i trace the positive trace on the board it got connected to the ground poor soldering i guess... but all OK now!  :D ... Thanks a LOt again for all the help... Any MOds you can Recommend on this..