Crazy Resonating Filter Random thing

Started by trad3mark, July 04, 2010, 09:31:41 AM

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To explain this, the intro of this:

Now that randomness of crazy cool sounding jack white awesomeness is done with one of his many many organs, but, for those of you with guitar rig, I've found a way to get pretty close. This is also kinda important to the typology of the design, so here goes.

Take a pitch shifter, set it to harmony -1octave. Then take a pro filter, with the cutoff at about 1-2 o clock, and the resonance high enough that it doesnt squeel (~90%). Finally, take an LFO, set the wave to random, and assign it to cutoff. Boom! Crazy intro/outro time.

Now, is it possible/easy/green to make a pedal out of this. Well lets look at the key parts necessary, and how they might be done:
1. Harmony -1octave. Well there's a number of ways this could be done. I'd be inclined to go down the bluebox route and make it a bit gritty, cos it's a pretty gritty sounding song.

2. Filter. No idea what way to go about this.

3. Random LFO. Again, no idea.

So, does anyone fancy making something silly?



but is the maestro filter random lfo'd? the sound clips and sites are very vauge...


Yeah the sample and hold mode on the Maestro is a random LFO, it produces random voltages at the speed set by the LFO speed pot, same as the random mode on your software LFO.


ah yes. It wasn't too clear from the soundclips on that site, but youtube has failed me not.

That is exactly what i'm looking for. That definitely goes on the build to-do list

cheers slacker. ;)