Mute/Volume pedal with LED?

Started by kvandekrol, July 26, 2010, 09:01:02 AM

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This is probably something of an unusual request but I think it'll be pretty easy. I need to make a mute/volume pedal - a stompbox with a volume pot. When it's off, the signal is muted, and when it's on, the volume pot controls the level. This will be used for a parallel signal chain to another amp that has a few different effects on it, and I want to be able to control the volume as well as turn it off as needed.

The base wiring diagram is this one:

(taken from here)

The difference is that I need to use a 3PDT switch and then route that third pole to the volume pot. I'm good with a soldering iron and can follow a diagram, but I'm brand new to making my own and just need a push in the right direction! Thanks!


You don't need a 3PDT - just splice in a volume pot on the red wire that goes to the output jack. For what you want, you're replacing that direct connection with one that goes through the volume control rather than adding another path.

Switch -> pot lug 3
Pot lug 2 -> output socket
Pot lug 1 -> ground
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Also, you'd probably want to short that output in the "Off" position, to help reduce noise from the second amp when not in use.  Put a ground connection on the right hand bottom lug of the switch.


Perfect! Thanks for your help. This should be a breeze.