pedals to mic looper?

Started by ppatchmods, August 05, 2010, 03:22:10 PM

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i have searched the forum with no real answers so here goes...
i want to build a looper to allow me to loop effects pedals into a mic line. i was thinking mic input to some sort of impedance thingy to loop send to pedal to return to another impedance thingy to mic output. i want it to be bypass-able. i'm not real sure how to wire xlr and what the impedance difference is between guitar level and mic level. any thoughts? thanks
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googled a few things and came up with the input should be fine, but the output impedance needs to drop. i will keep researching and will findout what i need. i hope to build this and share the wealth. thanks
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?


  My tries on that kind of thing were always better the second time, but not as good a "I just bought it".
 Perhaps a mixing board or mic preamp, if cost Vs. performance is an issue, there is very hard to beat competition for your time at retail outlets.
  Check out the articles related to..and then the projects at Elliot Sound, Rod has prepared many 'fact packed' pages related to this type of item.
 Buffer built is easily buffer tried, dunno what you'd connect it to..but for lowering an output impedance, see AMZ notebook.
 Preamps...whew...but look sorta easy as a schematic, take your time is my advice, buying someone elses seemed, and was more frugal [for me].
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


true, you could use a mixer's send return (or return to separate chanel)
also check out the splitter /blend at . its a guitar effects loop type pedal, with a blend knob to mix with un-effected signal as well as a phase reverse switch in case of out of phase issues(when blending).. you just need to get mic level to line level, then back on the input output of the effects loop side... but a mixer with a  send will do that as well  as giving you some added flexibility...
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