MarkM Crunch'd Box not producing sound (voltages inside)

Started by 59strat, July 31, 2010, 06:26:38 PM

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I managed to get sound out if for just a second but then it stopped.
The LED lights up when the switch is depressed.
The Red LEDs light up when you strum the guitar.  They dim when you turn the knob for distortion.
I get no bypassed OR engaged sound.

1.What does it do, not do, and sound like?  NO SOUND OUTPUT

2.Name of the circuit = CRUNCHD BOX MARK M LAYOUT

3.Source of the circuit (URL of schematic or project) =

4.Any modifications to the circuit? NO

5.Any parts substitutions? If yes, list them.  IC is TL072BCP not LM833

6.Positive ground to negative ground conversion? NO

7.Turn your meter on, set it to the 10V or 20V scale. Remove the battery from the battery clip. Probe the battery terminals with the meter leads before putting it in the clip. What is the out of circuit battery voltage? 8.30

Voltage at the circuit board end of the red battery lead = 8.23
Voltage at the circuit board end of the black battery lead = 8.23

IC1 (or U1)
P1 3.77
P2 3.77
P3 3.43 (this made the led's for distortion light up)
P4 0
P5 3.77
P6 3.77
P7 3.77
P8 7.56

A (anode, the non-band end) = got up to 8.19 but seemed to jump around some
K (cathode, the banded end) = 7.56

I used this (taken from the Beavis site, which has helped me a LOT!) (

BUT I think the S and T on the output jack are wrong?  I have switched S & T on my pedal (may be the problem??)


LM833 should work, it has the same pinout at the TL072. 

You have to actually use a meter to determine what part of the jack is connected to what part of the plug....plug in a cord, and measure the continuity from the free plug to the terminals on the jack.  If they are off, yes, you'll have no-signal conditions!  First I'd go ahead and switch the wires on the output jack, it won't hurt anything to try that out.

It's one of those things that we really can't help with, unless you were to actually photograph your jack with labels about where the wires are going  ;o)
Keep trying, you will get it. 
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


OK thanks a ton.
I will get some photographs together and go from there!


OK camera is at my parents, wife left it there.
SO for now I hope this will get us started at least.