Problems with Rebote Delay

Started by perfectsoundforever, August 15, 2010, 09:10:06 PM

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Hi everyone. Since last time I made a topic in this forum everyone was so helpful, I'm here again with more problems! Yeah, taking my DIY inabilities one step further, now with a Rebote Delay 2.5 (with double time and infinite repeats mods, built it from scratch with the mods).
Well, I finished this boy a couple of days ago and you should see how beautiful it was. At least the golden case, because I couldn't get any good sound from the circuit. First I had a low frequency buzz constantly, but I think it was a problem with one of the copper traces about to break (which was the grounding for one of the pots). I had to use some conductive paint and connected that pot to the grounding of another potentiometer, which solved the buzz (was that OK to do???). But now, when I connect the effect, all I get is the dry signal. What the hell is happening? I hope you can guide me somehow, here is what I got from my tester:

battery reads: 8.52v

1- 5.05
2- 2.51
3- 0
4- 0
5- 0
6- 2.51
7- 0
8- 4.61
9- 0.11
10- 4.55
11- 2.51
12- 2.51
13- 2.51
14- 2.51
15- 2.51
16- 2.51

1- 4.10
2- 4.10
3- 4.06
4- 0
5- 3.27
6- 4.07
7- 4.07
8- 8.13

in- 8.11
gnd- 0
out- 5.04

Here is the link to the Tonepad layout if you need to:

Thanks in advance!



your voltages look off at pins 5,7,9,13,14 search rebote voltages and compare. look for shorts where the voltage is 0 and shouldn't be.

-Audio probe pin 15. you should get an undelayed signal.
-Then probe pin 12. You should get only a delayed signal.
-If pin 15 comes out dry the signal is not making to the chip
-if you get a signal at pin 15 and not 12 then the chip is not working (not necessarily broken)
-If you get the delayed signal at pin 12 then the signal is getting grounded on the way to the output.
Most likely you will get the signal at 15 and not 12 by the looks of your voltages.