16 second delay bypass phase issue

Started by wavley, July 12, 2010, 04:48:49 PM

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Has anybody seen the schem for the reissue 16 second delay?

I run parallel effects chains to two amps and I have found that the 16 sec flips the phase when engaged.  Right now I have the signal to the amps phase reversed and leave it in buffer bypass mode so that my amps are in phase with each other so I guess it's not a problem other than I have to adjust my habits to not completely bypass everything.  I'm just hoping that I can through a non-inverting op amp in and not have to worry about it.
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Ok, here is a picture of the output of the 16 Second Delay in relation to the output of the parallel path, with the delay off, both waveforms match up as perfectly as you could expect, it goes a little more than 180 degrees out of phase when engaged.  

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I don't think you can tell from the circuit at all!
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I know, I opened it up and can't really tell where anything goes, of course I forgot to write down what kind of op amps it had.  If this is a phase issue, that's fine, I'll just flip the phase of my isolation transformer, leave the ehx in buffered bypass, and be done with it.  My worry is that it's actually latency from the dsp, though I don't know why the dry signal would run through the dsp, if that's the case then I have to re-think my parallel path rig, bummer. 

I need to investigate a little further, I can use Cubase and my Motu to ping it and give me the latency, I'll try that soon.
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