Need schematic for simple volume control stompbox (yes, I'm a n00b...)

Started by Stimpy, August 19, 2010, 08:49:11 PM

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I'm looking for help on how to wire up a passive volume control stompbox. All it needs to do is switch the right value audio taper pot in and out of the signal path. I have a basic idea of how to do it and know my way around with a soldering iron. I'm assuming one or more resistor/capacitor networks are needed somewhere in the circuit so it switches quietly. Any helpful feedback would be most appreciated.



P.S. I've seen a stompbox like this for sale @ for pretty cheap but I don't heed the box, jacks, or switch.

P.P.S. I did do some searches before I posted this... 


You could probably get away with taking one the various off board wiring schemes from Tonepad and placing a pot between the inputs and outputs.
If it ain't broke... will be soon.


You could do this, and if you only want a single volume pot and and bypass, leave out one of the pots and connect those lugs on the switch.
If it ain't broke... will be soon.


I'm looking for help on how to wire up a passive volume control stompbox.   There are various ways to do it.
  All it needs to do is switch the right value audio taper pot in and out of the signal path.
  This is a workable and well defined, a good way to do it, studying the provided schematic, the features are shown.
  I have a basic idea of how to do it and know my way around with a soldering iron.
  Cool, a DMM comes in handy for testing this kind of thing.
  I'm assuming one or more resistor/capacitor networks are needed somewhere in the circuit so it switches quietly.
  Where a capacitor 'touches' [connects to] any outside thing, a big value drain resistor [to ground], can hold the voltage charge [caps 'accumulate voltage sometimes] at ground so when switched, the charge doesn't 'pop' when it rushes through the contacts [signal path is here too..]
  Any helpful feedback would be most appreciated.
  'probably [test, look and see, safe to assume of it's modern], whatever you're connecting to this volume has either:
  No caps on the output or input to hold a charge, or pulldown resistors to drain the charge and keep them at 0.0v = Gnd. No need for caps or resistors on this one, unless maybe you use a rather large value pot [then when you turn down resistance the signal has to path through gets big, and may cause greater passive loss to the high frequencies] and want a treble bypass cap across it's signal lugs...but see, there'd already be a resistance to ground, through the pot [not the input though] but such a small cap and I haven't heard about poppings of treble bleed on about it, I would answer the question with a 250k or less, bypass cap pops when installed that'd answer it for me, this time. I'm not asking a question, I don't need the answer, you may get it anyway but can easily find out...if it does pop put a big R value to ground on the input side of your passive circuit.
  To save a lot of messin' around, use less than 500k value pot, you probably will see no need for any of the above, I was in a typing mood. Only other thing to consider is that the pot is also putting it's value between the signal and ground, small value is larger load.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks very much y'all ! Very helpful. The project I'm working on is an odd one. If it works I'll post some pics and observations.