selmer buzztone!

Started by manolis, August 18, 2005, 08:43:13 AM

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1)Buzztone with 3 x 2n2613 and -3V (Maestro FZ-1 ? :shock: )


Hello guys mine has a strange problem: I tried to use the circuit with resistors and a 9V battery to get 3/6 and 9V but wen i use more than 3V the pedal stop working and only does a click repetitive sound like a clock...
Any idea why?


Why do you want more than 3V?

You probably need a heavy bypass capacitor so the 3 stages do not act as one stage and get overexcited.


post the schematic!
post voltages on the transistors in all 3 voltage settings.
welcome to the forum

cheers, Iain
friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.



Run it at -3 volts as original, from 2X AA batteries. It's plenty loud enough, sounds pretty good as a booster, add a 22uf emitter bypass cap to Q1 emitter and it makes a very good fuzz too.

I have one on one of my boards for a couple of years and its still going strong on original batteries I put in it (I added a power off switch so it could stay linked up when not in use).


So I finally went to 3V with 2 AA batteries. And sins my transistors are not that high HFE (50/80/50) I used larger values on the resistors on c2 and c3,
1.5K instead of 1k
2.2K instead of 1.5K,

made the distortion just a little more present and fuller

Cheers Ben