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Started by wormfooduk, October 24, 2010, 05:12:03 PM

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am i reading this correctly that its a 500k pot into a 100k pot before the output? plus in the original post about this circuit its talked about that you can replace the 2 470k resisters with a 500k pot, how would this be orientated?  ??? plus would it take any changes to make it use mps13a darlingtons. i want this to sound as nasty as possible.


have you tried it stock yet ?

how's it sound ?


Quoteam i reading this correctly that its a 500k pot into a 100k pot before the output?
yeah, looks like one side of the 100k vol pot from the middle lug (wiper) of the 500k , other side of the 100k vol pot to ground and the wiper of the volume to the output.
Quoteplus in the original post about this circuit its talked about that you can replace the 2 470k resisters with a 500k pot, how would this be orientated?
well if you look at the 2 470k resistors, they have a point in between them going to the top o (9v).
now imagine that those 2 resistors are actually a single  1M potentiometer(470k + 470k =940k which is pretty close to  1M , with the middle lug of the pot being the middle point connection, if you dialed the pot to exactly half way, youd have 500k resistance from lug 1 to lug 2(wiper) and youd have 500k resistance from lug 3 to lug 2(wiper) and the middle lug would go to that top o. which is what is in the schematic... but you could turn the pot and change the 2 resistances from 500k / 500k to 100k / 900k or 0k /1M or 1M /0k or 333k / 667k or anywhere in between. so you could use a 1M or a 500k pot i guess but if you use a 500k pot, in its halfway spot, it would be like the 2 470k resistors were 250k resistors. whereas 1M would be 2 500k resistors which is closer to the schem...
not sure about using mps13a's...
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


Thanks for the advice i will board it up with a 1M pot in place of the 470ks. i will post some samples when im done as there isnt any around  :D
i can try the mps13as out its just because ive got over 100 of them  ::) i build alot of bazzfuss based pedals and i love the mps13a for that circuit.


ive boarded it up and its working very well. not quite what i expected, but does sound good. I think im going to socket the diodes and see if i can get some more sounds from this little beast. the 1M pot goes from thin and spity to thick and bass heavy and the 500k interacts loads so you can get quite a few different textures. I think if i pop a germanium diode in the q2 side of the circuit it may give a few more sounds. anyway very good fun build your self one its nice and cheap.