Mini-Boost question: mod as Mid Boost?

Started by filterazonatie, December 28, 2004, 04:38:15 PM

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looking at the AMZ mini-boost, which caps could be changed to give it more of a TS808 mid-boost sound? Input and output caps?

Thanks! :D


play with the values of the input and output caps.  They best way to find what you want is socketing and playing around.  These caps are C1 and C3.  C5 should also effect freqency pass.  OK forget about socketing - breadboard this, and see if you can get something you like.  

see...C1 and R1 clearly form a high pass filter.  However, there is no clear lowpass filter on the input.  Its just like C5 and the input impedance of the FET or something like that.  Maybe adding a resistor series with the input will get you what you want...

this image will be more helpful for most people...


Try reducing the 3.3 uF electrolytic cap to something like 0.22 uF or even 0.1 uF, or whatever works for you.

You will have less low frequency gain, though.


Changing C2 to a .022 cap wil turn the MB into a treble booster so something between 3.3uF and .022 might be what your looking for. As previously stated, less low end gain.


I've got a .1uF in mine at C2, it's all mids.


Mark Hammer

The TS808  acquires the properties of a midrange booster by rolling off lows going into the gain stage, and rolling off highs after it.  Something comparable here would involve decreasing C1 and C2, and sticking some lowpass filtering between C3 and the volume control.  For instance, a 10k resistor in series with C3, and a .01uf cap to ground from the junction of R6 and that added resistor, would produce a 6db/octave rolloff starting around 1.6khz.

Ben N

Take a look at the Fat Boostered, which is a modified Minibooster.  Paul Cochrane, the designer, put a hi-pass filter in front of the boost and lo-pass after it (same as in his currently much-sought-after "Tim" overdrive).  By tweaking these and/or substituting hard resitor values you should be able to get your mid boost.


I have a problem troubleshooting the booster. everything is properly connected and I get a low frequency buzz and no output signal. Can someone pls help?