Tone Pad Ampeg Scrambler

Started by buildafriend, January 23, 2011, 07:42:31 PM

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There is mention in the bill of materials / build schematic page that there are components in the original schematic that did not appear in the actual units themselves. Do I have to add them? If not, would you add them in anyway?


Consider them modern conviniences for people who will be using power supplies, multiple pedals, etc...

They're not going to do anything to the sound.


Whats up with these integrated circuits ?

Are they Darlington pairs?

Why do they each have 2 emitters?


bump for advice!

Why are there 2 Emitter holes where the transistors go in?


From tonepad: This is a workalike of the Ampeg Scrambler. This board will accept a variety of different transistor pinouts for all 4 transistors, and one pad will go unused for each transistor.

There are two emitters holes so that the pcb acepts diferent transistors pinouts without twisting their leads
--Is there any body out there??--


Thank you!

It's frustrating that this is mentioned in two separate places.