Two huge BP Caps strung across PS rails = ...

Started by petemoore, February 13, 2011, 10:28:19 PM

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  I'm looking for a voltage ramp-time-delay between 2 voltages.
  Example: Two large capacitors, bipolar, strung across V+/- looking like a capacitor voltage divider.
  Say they're held at a soft bias [perhaps introduce a resistive divider through a large resistor].
  Using a second resistive divider, say 60k / 40k, which introduces 4vdc through a large resistor [ie changing the voltage divider equation/ and 'Vbias' voltage].
  The Korg monotron ribbon controller is a 10k voltage divider, something 'slidey' ie portamento like would be nice here.
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Charging or discharging capacitors from a constant voltage gives a non-linear voltage output. The rate of change of capacitor voltage slows down as the capacitor voltage gets nearer to the charging voltage.
If you want a linear voltage ramp from a capacitor then you need to charge it from a constant current source or discharge it through a constant current sink.
Would a triangle wave generator from a tremelo circuit do what you want, or have I misunderstood?


  Charging or discharging capacitors from a constant voltage gives a non-linear voltage output.
  Non-linear is what I want maybe...perhaps I can fiddle with the slowness of voltage state change by varying current in/out of the capacitors.
  The rate of change of capacitor voltage slows down as the capacitor voltage gets nearer to the charging voltage.
  This could be useful [perhaps needed/useful], especially if the rate curves can be bent.
  If you want a linear voltage ramp from a capacitor then you need to charge it from a constant current source or discharge it through a constant current sink.
  I'll have to look up and study some more about CCS's.
  Would a triangle wave generator from a tremelo circuit do what you want, or have I misunderstood.
  Nope, not after an LFO this round, this is for control voltage input to replace a Ribbon controller for pitch control of Monotron.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.