Post your rig! Curiosity

Started by ragtime8922, December 21, 2004, 11:29:35 AM

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Jayco I've had similar comments from sound guys etc.  I cant remember what the model number of mine is, must of had it for around 10 years plus.  Got some Elixar strings on it and everyone who plays it is blown away.


'72 fender strat with single coils, DIY rocket fuzz, DIY dallas arbiter FF, modded v847 wah, a DIY tycho octavia clone I bought off of someone else, a DIY easydrive, , zoom GFX-707, pathetic laney GC30 amp.



Les Paul (Overwounded PAF brigde pickup - varitone control and on/off toggle)

Samson Stage 55 Wireless (live only)

Boss Noise gate
       Noise Gate's FX Loop  >>>> fender tuner > Boss OC-2 > Dual BSIAB 2>

*Shine* (phase 90 clone)

Mean Bone Tremolo (EA tremolo- sometimes)

Jungle Delay (rebote delay)

Queen Chorus (EH Small Clone)

all this  to a Marshall AVT-150(in the back)

And thats what it takes to get somebody laid at most shows  ;)

Sir H C

Favorite amp that I keep going back to is my Fender Twin reverb.

Bedroom amp and one to try out effects on, brown Pro in a 4x10" concer cabinet:

Guitars, Fender Mustang, Jaguar and a Gibson SG (main ones).

Pedals, usually a phaser and a couple fuzz boxes, which fuzzes changes day to day.  Usually a Shin-ei FY-2 and something big muff like.


Here's mine:

2001 Gibson Custom Shop Paul Jackson Jr.
1990 Fender Telecaster Deluxe
1982 Ibanez AM-205

Teese RMC3
Doobtone Microbuffer2
Emma DiscumBobulator
Paul Cochrane Timmy
Fulltone FD2
Fulltone Dejavibe
Zvex SHO
EH Small Stone
Line6 DL4
Digitech Whammy 2
EB Volume
DIY TB Loops

Mesa/Boogie DC-3
Fender Blues Junior


ok, time for a bass player to represent:

Ibanez SR405 5 string w/ Dimarzio X2N guitar pickup sandwiched in between the stock soapbars.  Adds a really warm low-mid hump and TONS of output for overdriving things...

Budda Zenman distortion w/ mullards -> loop pedal -> TSA (in the tsa loop: PT-80 clone, Line 6 Liqui-flange, DOD super stereo chorus (modded of course), Uglyface)-> back to return of loop pedal -> BBE preamp -> QSC RMX 2450 2400 watt power amp-> ampeg 8x10 and 2x15.

Yeah it's loud!  And really annoying when i get the TSA going... i like to get that started at shows where people hate us.
Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

Likes: old motorcycles, old music
Dislikes: old women

burnt fingers

Well we all love these threads so here goes.

For my metal stuff it's pretty simple.

Les paul, neckthru warlock or an emg loaded Jap charvel.
Mesa boogie mark IV

For the cover band stuff sometimes it's just any of the above guitars or a 65' melody maker or a Jap charvel tele
Spider II

For the gigs and jams I really care about it can be any of the above guitars,
DIYfuzz (based on one of jack ormon's designs)
Boss Turbo overdrive
DOD yellow 250 (orig, not reissue) soon to be replaced by two OD"s of my own design.
Zoom choir chorus pedal
DIY Mosfet clean boost
67 bandmaster with 2 matching 2x12 cabs

Rock and Roll does not take a vacation!!
My Music


1994 Esp Horizon (H - SC)
2005 Jackson SLS-MG Soloist Black EMG's

Carvin X-100
stock Japanese DS-1
Dunlop Crybabay Wah
DIY Tremulus Lune (as soon as the led/ldr comes in)

looking to add a phaser and a chorus... but I can only build what I can build :)
Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.

Ben N

I can't even remember if I posted here before, but WTH, it's probably all changed ince then, anyway, so here goes.  Keep in mind that I am now at or near the "more is more" , or "if Gilmour can have it why can't I?", pole in my gear swing.  It will swing back--or not.  Tdhe current rig:

Strats:  Red Highway-1 with GFS vintage alnicos, tobacco sunburst Squier Pro Tone with Bill Lawrence L-280s
Teles:  Squier Pro Tone Fat Tele (amazing guitar), sunburst Dillion DTT72
Ibanez AS120 semihollow, stock
Danelectro 12-string
Acoustic:  Gretsch Sierra

The pedalboard is partially Gilmour inspired.
Boss TU-2
Crybaby or Vox V847 (TBP mod)
Barber Direct Drive (NE5532)
Boss BD-2
Marshall ED1 (the old Dynacomp doesn't hold a candle to it--it is as clear and transparent as my old Anderton EPFM comp, or plenty squishy, always sounds good))
Maxon Phase Tone (like Phase 90, but more practical than my old block logo, and better than the reisues)
DOD Phasor 490  (like Small Stone) (TBP mod was easy)*
Boss DS-1 or OD-3 or Sansamp GT2 or original Guv'nor*
Rat 2
EH Deluxe Electric Mistress
DOD Stereo Chorus 565 (or Boss CE2)
Boss DD3
Sometimes: EH Double Muff or Dano French Toast; various homebuilt boosters or DOD Bifet Preamp*

*Non-essential, but fun.

All into one or two Ampeg Jets (J-12-D plus an EJ-12 through the main input) possibly plus a Traynor Bassmate.  The DOD 565 into the Jets can be pretty darn nice.


Tokai Love Rock stock
80's profife strat with a mix of humbucker, p-90 @ single coil
Eko Sg with an SD Custom Custom and a Kent Armstrong P-90 in the neck
Parts telecaster with Bill Lawrence pickups

Modded SD-1 ( my favorite OD)
Home Brew Rangemaster
Home Brew Si Fuzz Face
Home Brew Turbo Fuzzrite
L'il Devil Fuzz from Dragonfly

69 Fender Bandmaster reverb
72 Traynor Bass Master ( modded to 1987 specs) in 2x10 natural finish solid Birch combo with Oxblood grille cloth
2x12" vintage Sunn cabinet with a mix of alnico and ceramic Tone Tubby speakers ( To die for )

Builts completed: Tweak-O, Fuzz Face Si and Ge, Rangemaster,Fuzzrite Si & Ge, Bazz Fuzz, L'il Devil Fuzz, Bosstone one knober, Bosstone Sustainer, Cream Pie, Kay Fuzztone.


Changes almost daily but at the minute

Tokia silver star

reissue Vox tonebender
Ibanez TS9
DIY BigMuff
Boss DD3
Diy Univibed phase 45
Boss TU2 tuner

Fender Twin


both heads are from -75, but Im only use one, and that together with the powerbreak..its SO loud...and yes, you can spot a -74 Orange graphic (80watt) painted with green hammerite on the floor ( the orange vinyl disapeared long before this one became mine..)..and there are a few boxes too  ;)  ...this together with a moded SD-1 ( for dirty boost ) crababy, CE2 ( thanks tonepad ) and a moded DD3 ( for more headroom for "DD3 two in one" ore something like that..).


I was trying to copy someone's elses joke on this topic and I simply typed truck on google....... the results are bellow.

bluetubes goes... :)

Epiphone '56 Goldtop RI Les Paul with Dimarzio DLX p90 Pickups
Epiphone Les Paul Standard (Gold) with SD JB/Jazz pickups

Mesa Boogie Formula Pre (Andrew's Mod)
Mesa Boogie 20/20 Power Amp
Traynor 4x12 Cab with Sheffield 1200 Speakers
Traynor Studiomate
Homemade Marshall 18Watt Clone

Yamaha SPX90
Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Wah Face (chrome)
Mica Fuzz/Wah
Morley Wah (PWA)
Dunlop GCB-95 Wah (modded)
Boss DS-1 (modded)
Boss CS-3  (Modded)
Boss AC-2
Boss GE-7
EH Big Muff (Original --> Vintage)
Digitech PDS1700
Fender PT-10 Pedal Tuner

For Practice and Playing @ home
Old Solid State 120W PA
Vintage Kustom 4x12 Cabinet (Tuck -n- Roll pretty ratty   :(  )
Behringer Virtualizer Pro


Currently (subject to change at any time):

Guitars: Washburn WI66V, Squier Telecaster Custom II with P90s, Burns Double Six 12-string, Burns Cobra

Effects: Phuncgnosis, Green Ringer, Digitech RP50 (tuner and any other useful sounds), AXL Chorus, SurfSonic (EA Tremelo / Peppermill combo), Supratweed (Supreaux / Prof. Tweed combo).

Amps: Laney Linebacker 100 Reverb 1x12 combo or HH ValveSound 100 Reverb 2x12 combo.

burnt fingers

nevermind, I already replied earlier.
Rock and Roll does not take a vacation!!
My Music


Main Guitars:
Godin Solidac
Godin LG Signature

Back-up Guitars:
1976 Gibson SG
1990 59 RI Gibson Explorer
Epiphone LP JR
1977 Aria L6-S Copy

Main Amp:
Vox Valvetronix AD60VT usually running into a Mesa 2x12 w/vintage 30s or a Marshall 1936 2x12 w/Greenbacks

Back-up/Practice/Test Amps:
Fender Pro Junior
Fender M-80
Little Gem (with buffer mod)
Little Gem MKII

Usually use the built-in effects in the Valvetronix. I'm sure you all know what's in there or you can look it up on the Vox site.

Modded 1990 Dunlop Crybaby (thanks to all on the net for these mods they made a huge improvement over a pedal I used to shy away from due to how bad it sucked tone)
MXR Commande Series Overdrive
1980 EH Small Stone
DOD FX90 Delay (this goes in the effects loop of the Valvetronix)
Danelectro 7 band EQ
LR Baggs Para-Acoustic DI

Gus' NPN Boost
Aron's Smash Drive
Orange Squeezer (when I get around to finishing it)

The Valvetronix I use the most. The Fender Pro Junior I use for testing and practice (I fried one of the screen resistors and I haven't gottenaround to replacing it yet and the power tubes). I miss the Pro. The Fender M-80 I usally loan out to people in a bind, it also works well as an Acoustic amp. I love the Little Gem MKII (thanks ROG), it blows people away and it sounds better than any SS amp I have owned IMHO it behaves much like a tube amp :)

I play Comtemporary Christian music mostly. Christian rock if I can find enough people who want to play this kind of stuff. Used to play 70s & 80s Heavy Metal back in the 80s. Sure is different from what is considered metal today. I really love the blues and blues rock.

Favorite Guitarists (while I'm at it):
Randy Rhoads
Billy Gibbons
Ace Frehley
Gear Reviews and Guitar Related Information >


Epiphone Les Paul with Dimarzio humbuckers.
Samick Superstrat with EMG 81 and two EMG SA.
Hondo-strat, scalloped from 7th fret, internal booster, Fender lace pickups, all new high quality hardware

Fetzer valve (DIY)
True Bypass looper w/feedback-loop(DIY)
Bazz-Fuss (DIY)
Jen Super-Crybaby
Danelectro Daddy-O
Danelectro Fab1 Overdrive
Danelectro Fab Metal
Loop return
Roland FV-300 volume pedal

Digitech GSP21 pro with footcontroll for compression, delay, flanger, phaser, reverb, chorus and for splitting signal to stereo.

Usually run this into two channels on the clubs pa. At home I run one signal to a Samick LA40R, a shitty SS amp with an OK clean channel.
Right now I'm working on a Fetzer-ruby for home practice, a orange squeezer to put first on the pedalboard, and a tremulus lune. I will also replace the danelectros with two OD's and a Dr.Boogey or an Obsidian.

Favorite guitarists:
Robert Fripp
Peter Hammill
Steve Howe
Andy Latimer
Paul Gilbert
Jason Becker
My diy-site: