Started by darron, March 12, 2011, 09:51:59 AM

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@The Tone God

Ive just sent a peddle to ya to fix!!!!! It's a HyperFuzz 2000 serrial number 57. A friend purcised it in the USA on a biznis trip. After spilling beer on it not to work!!!!

I change batterie but still not work!!!! Post office man sais i takes 90 days to ship to USA and I hav to play live too morrow!!!!!

Please send me new HyperFuzz 2000 while you weight for my broken fuzz or my band mates fire me. :-( I play so crappy I only sound good with the HypperFuzz!!!!!! ;D

Please help!!!! I'm so broke muzisian need Fuzz :(
[DIYStompbox user name]

The Tone God

Sigh. Don't laugh. I had someone about a month ago try to scam me out of a TubeUlent say theirs was broken and they want a new one. They were not from Brazil. I told them the original unit needs to be shipped back. If we can fix it, and it would be likely we could as generally the worst case is we replace the guts, we will repair and ship back the original unit other wise we will ship a new unit. That is decision is made by us. We have this long terms of service page at the site clearly stating this. I wanted to see this unit as it would have been the first TubeUlent ever to need servicing so I wanted to know what the failure was and if this is something that can be improved upon.

Never heard back from the customer and the unit was never shipped. To add insult to injury I now get malware spam from the account.



Well this is what I write in my manual:

Two Year Warranty
Defects of manufacturing of this product are subject to a two year limited warranty. This includes replacement or repair, at manufacture's option, of components which fail where the owner of the product is not at fault. Exclusions of this warranty may include, but are not limited to:

  • Damage caused by misuse, abuse or modification.
  • Aesthetic damage such as surface scratches.
  • Damage caused by/to other products.
  • Postage and shipping charges.

Warranty is only valid from date of proof of original purchase.

That sounds fair... I'd like to fix anything if anything went wrong anyway. I'd probably post back for free even though it says may not be covered.
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!

The Tone God

We have a limited lifetime warranty. I have no problems offering that. We clearly state that on the site and each unit gets shipped with a copy of the warranty. Basically if it seems like a reasonable repair we will do it for free but you can not abuse the product then expect us to just hand a new one out which is why the warranty is limited and one of the reasons why we need the unit back before we will issue a new one.

While it is not our policy to cover the cost of shipping to us, we pay shipping back, I tried to help the guy as much as I could and went beyond our policy. I gave him one of our shipping account numbers, all the information to fill out the form, and even a link to a drop off location located less then a mile from him complete with a map and directions. It would not have cost him anything to ship to us. All he needed to do is stick it in a box and go to the location. We would handle it from there. The only thing more I could have done is sent him a return tag by email with a pick up time for someone to show up and take the box from him. So the unit did not ship from lack of effort on our part.

What I forgot to do from the start was ask for a serial number. That would have confirmed everything as we track our serial numbers. That is a normal procedure that is laid out on the site but this was the first time so I was kinda go around procedure. I should not have done that. Anyways no loss.

The next time I had someone request to purchase a new adapter for their TubeUlent as they had lost theirs. I had no issue as they wanted to pay with shipping. I still asked for a serial number and they replied with a valid number so we took care of that with no issues.
